When I painted my first Napoleonic's 25mm was 25mm and 15mm, well that was always liable to scale creep. I mean 15mm is pretty small. So maybe in this mixed up world 1815 didn't mark the end and perhaps we can imagine another 3 years of campaigning (okay another 3 years of needless suffering for the people of Europe, but hey, these are 15mm metal figures, they can take it).
Sunday, 29 November 2020
Monday, 16 November 2020
A bottle of rum - Principe de Asturias
Another first rate ship for the Spanish, the Principe de Asturias. I don’t think that JJ Wargames blog has this ship detailed, the only info I have is what am I reading off the Wikipedia page.... Built 1794 in Havana.... struck a rock in 1814.... scrapped 1817. She was also at Trafalgar which I think was a small skirmish off the Iberia coast.
Thursday, 12 November 2020
A bottle of rum - Santisima Trinidad
The Spanish fleet goes up a notch with the arrival of the Santisima Trinidad. Delivering a whooping 140 guns to the party and the manoeuvrability of a 4 ton Preseli Spotted Dolerite. But despite these flaws it is bound to project fear into any opposing fleet, before it catches fire uncontrollably and sinks. JJ’s Wargames blog has much better information on this ship and I again recommend his site.
Russian Napoleonic Cossack Artillery Limber
Small conversion needed on these AB figures. The lance was removed from one and some lace removed from the officer figure. The limber horse...

I find the thought unlikely that anyone would like to use the same colours that I used for my Russians. I have found sources like Loki’s Gr...
I have been wanting to make a manufacturer comparison on Russian Napoleonic artillery for some time. When I started building my current Russ...
Well this is a colourful lot! I had been dreading painting these as I knew it was going to have to be careful slow job. In reality it was a ...