Thursday 25 February 2021


 I get inundated with questions on what scenic building ranges are best with 15mm figures. Actually I have never once been asked that, but if your reading this far you must be at least mildly curious. I have just finished a Warbases 10mm Mini Hammer building. I dropped down to 10mm for the buildings as the 15mm seemed to just dwarf the figures. After visiting the Harry Potter studios and seeing how they shrunk the Dursley’s home and Hogwarts, I thought if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me. So I tried it out and liked the look. I felt the clusters of building better represented the small towns and hamlets of the Napoleonic battlefield, but I understand some people will always prefer a more in scale building. 

The building I finished is the 10mm Raleigh house. It was pretty easy to build, but some care should be taken with the windows, they are very finely detailed and do not enjoy rigorous dry brushing. The building is actually from the mini hammer fantasy range so I was worried it would look too fantastical, but I think the look fitted. The overhang was pretty big but this can be softened with the use of a few chopped matchsticks as beams. I also added a wood store and some handrails on the steps. I also use wooden flat toothpicks as they are a good size and easy to cut (you have to find ones with really bad product reviews, they are better when they come in differing sizes with little point on them. Bamboo ones are hard to cut and regular for my purposes). Then a chopped up skewer for logs. Finally I added tiles from the Warbases tile sheets. They are a special request and I was very happy they obliged to make them in 15mm scale. The roof that comes with the building does not have too much texture to it so might be a struggle to make it ‘pop’. 

Warbases Mini hammer raleigh house

Friday 19 February 2021

French Napoleonic Hussars

 A hefty slab of a regiment this one, 32 figures in total. Now why 32? Well it’s a long story dating back over 30 years. Before the internet ordering via Mail was a real hassle. Popping to the local Wargames shop was a lost easier. Problem with the shop popping was that it was like lottery. I wanted some French light cavalry and the shop had plenty of elite company hussars and not many packs of the regular ones. Because of the imbalance they were never painted and sat packed away for 30 years. When I looked over them again I decided to order more of them to balance the elite company felllas out. I should have made two units but decided to just base them up as a mammoth 32 figure unit. The elite company is still too large but I no longer care, it’s not keeping me up at night for some reason (although the wrong shoulder strap colours on my Russians would drive me nuts still). I also replaced the swords with some flattened wire. These are not great but are nice and robust. There also a figure in there from . It’s from the Gallia Little Gems range and is the Chasseurs a Chevalier officer (the chap on the horse rearing up). Warrior also do some nice guns that I will try do some more detailed post about at some point (very reasonably priced and a nice fit for 6lb guns).

French 15mm napoleonic hussars Essex 18mm

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Russian Guard Horse Artillery

Current project is a small group (3 guns, 12 crew) of Russian Guard Horse Artillery. It should probably still be larger but I cannot bring myself to cut up more figures for the headwear (still traumatised with the 12 I’ve done). The guns are AB for this unit which are a bit smaller than the Blue Moon guns I have been using. Unit came out okay, a bit of squeeze fitting them all on. The guy on the end with the ram rod looks like he is ether giving the end of the Unicorn gun a last minute polish or is trying to get the end shot off for a laugh.

Russian napoleonic AB guard horse artillery 15mm 18mm

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Russian Forge and Apothecary Wagons

 Some more Russian wagon train additions. Wagons are Blue Moon, horses Eureka SYW and the seated chaps modified CGM. Probably a couple of things wrong with these, firstly I don’t think they rode on these wagons in this way and secondly have no idea about the uniforms. But, pretty sure that from time to time the wagon train drivers would shake things up and maybe get a rest on the wagons.....

Russian napoleonic apothecary wagon

Russian napoleonic forge wagon

Tuesday 2 February 2021

Russian Napoleonic Cossack Artillery Limber

 Small conversion needed on these AB figures. The lance was removed from one and some lace removed from the officer figure. The limber horse...