Wednesday 27 April 2022

French Corps Command Stand - Murat

 I have had the excellent Boki Sho Murats kicking their heels for a while on the pile. But as I have been focusing on increasing my French command stands, for one lucky figure their time finally came. It was the Borodino Murat because I just wanted a really over the top version. I had seen a few other versions online and the figure painted up really well. The problem was then what to pair him with. Luckily I had two Boki timpinast (or kettle drummers) waiting for such an opportunity. These figures are also very nice. They are very large figures and to keep them in proportion I placed them on the largest AB heavy horse I could find. Then as a final flourish I added a Lithuanian tartar trumpeter. He was proportionally dwarfed by the timpinasts, but with a little bit of card his height and self esteem were lifted. 

Russian Napoleonic Cossack Artillery Limber

 Small conversion needed on these AB figures. The lance was removed from one and some lace removed from the officer figure. The limber horse...