Monday 27 April 2020

Russian Cossack Artillery

I had been umming and arring over this set from Blue Moon. I had beeen wanting a Cossack artillery battery because..... actually for pretty much no justifiable reason. But I had been uncertain with the Blue Moon set as the figures looked a bit odd on the website. The heads and hats looked out of proportion and the artillery gear looked out of scale too. The ram rods look the width of a good quality Swiss Roll. But in the end I thought, sod it let’s add it to the order. So I did, another 12 figures added to the lead pile! But I have been determined not to let these small units purchased on a whim fester like the Russian Unicorn Ammunition wagons (really must get on with that). Instead I cracked on with them. I painted them up, based them and added 3 Blue Moon Russian 6 pounders.
I have been fairly pleased with the outcome. Am now convinced my eyesight is totally gone (the figures look great on the table, rubbish on the photos). With the paint on I didnt notice the large ram rods so much or their tiny faces as they just want to mount up and run away. In fact those giant Swiss Roll ram rods are going to prevent any bends and snaps. They will never fit down the cannon muzzles, but they are always going to be there. Unlike the AB figures who will only have bent or snapped stubby ramrods (but probably still be looking like a million dollars). 

Napoleonic Russian Cossack Artillery

Napoleonic Russian Cossack Artillery

Napoleonic Russian Cossack Artillery

Blue Moon Russian Cossack artillery napoleonic 15mm

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Russian Napoleonic Cossack Artillery Limber

 Small conversion needed on these AB figures. The lance was removed from one and some lace removed from the officer figure. The limber horse...