Wheeling out the big guns with this one. French Young Guard Artillery (AB) with 12 pounders (Blue Moon). Looking a bit more blue in the photos compared to on the table. These 12lb guns from Blue Moon are big. They really make the 6lb guns look like pea shooters.
When I painted my first Napoleonic's 25mm was 25mm and 15mm, well that was always liable to scale creep. I mean 15mm is pretty small. So maybe in this mixed up world 1815 didn't mark the end and perhaps we can imagine another 3 years of campaigning (okay another 3 years of needless suffering for the people of Europe, but hey, these are 15mm metal figures, they can take it).
Wednesday, 10 November 2021
Wednesday, 29 September 2021
Bavarian 15mm Napoleonic Artillery
I had these figures knocking around for a while (25 years). Decided to get them painted up with some guns from Warrior Miniatures. The Essex figures always paint up easily. Maybe proportionally they are quite stocky, but I do enjoy the ease. Clear details, clean casts etc.
Friday, 3 September 2021
French Old Guard Grenadiers
I think the manufacturing composition of anyone’s French Old Guard tells a lot about when they first got into Napoleonics! For me my figures are Essex first generation. This means I think they are dating back to around 1989? I decided to tidy a little bit of the old paint job (level of repaint was entirely dependent on my enthusiasm level) and a rebase. I thought these figures were going to look odd next to the newer 15mm/18mm figures, and to be honest they do. But I like them. Even though they are really short for Old Guard Grenadiers, they look more like a bantam regiment for those undersized for the main regiment. But I’m keeping them.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
French Line Regiment
I thought the photos were pretty much the same as before so I jazzed things up by putting them walking through my small town building arrangement. I also focussed on the chaps in overcoats as these have some nice variety in the poses (unlike the bread and butter line infantry marching not in an over coat). Again Essex are so straight forward to clean and paint. Their stocky frames and stubby bayonets will still outlast any AB figure on the table, but they will never look as good!
Monday, 14 June 2021
French Cassion
This is a Blue Moon 18mm French Cassion with a Eureka Miniatures horse team. The Eureka figures have some great personality.
Monday, 24 May 2021
French Line Regiment
This is a fairly generic French line regiment I Painted about a little while ago. It has a sister regiment that consists of another three battalions that I will put in the next post. All the figures are Essex. I still find these figures a nice easy paint. Very little cleaning and clearly defined detail. The folds in the uniforms make it easy to layer colour contrasts too. I understand some people don’t like proportions, but the stocky build and solid short bayonets make them good for handling. Plus I still have a fondness for them as they were my first 15mm figures I bought and painted 33 years ago.
Monday, 26 April 2021
Russian 15mm Napoleonic Artillery -
I have been wanting to make a manufacturer comparison on Russian Napoleonic artillery for some time. When I started building my current Russian army I already had a few Essex guns laying around. But I knew I was going to need a lot more guns but found it difficult to get a feel of which to go with.
I am no expert in Russian Napoleonic Artillery. I have to admit I don’t know the actual dimensions of the different guns (height of wheels etc) so this comparison is much more based on the look on the table and mix with the figures.
I have taken 4 manufacturers for this comparison Blue Moon, AB, Essex and Warrior.
I first did some rough measuring of the different parts:
Tuesday, 30 March 2021
French Guard Marines
Thursday, 25 February 2021
I get inundated with questions on what scenic building ranges are best with 15mm figures. Actually I have never once been asked that, but if your reading this far you must be at least mildly curious. I have just finished a Warbases 10mm Mini Hammer building. I dropped down to 10mm for the buildings as the 15mm seemed to just dwarf the figures. After visiting the Harry Potter studios and seeing how they shrunk the Dursley’s home and Hogwarts, I thought if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me. So I tried it out and liked the look. I felt the clusters of building better represented the small towns and hamlets of the Napoleonic battlefield, but I understand some people will always prefer a more in scale building.
The building I finished is the 10mm Raleigh house. It was pretty easy to build, but some care should be taken with the windows, they are very finely detailed and do not enjoy rigorous dry brushing. The building is actually from the mini hammer fantasy range so I was worried it would look too fantastical, but I think the look fitted. The overhang was pretty big but this can be softened with the use of a few chopped matchsticks as beams. I also added a wood store and some handrails on the steps. I also use wooden flat toothpicks as they are a good size and easy to cut (you have to find ones with really bad product reviews, they are better when they come in differing sizes with little point on them. Bamboo ones are hard to cut and regular for my purposes). Then a chopped up skewer for logs. Finally I added tiles from the Warbases tile sheets. They are a special request and I was very happy they obliged to make them in 15mm scale. The roof that comes with the building does not have too much texture to it so might be a struggle to make it ‘pop’.
Friday, 19 February 2021
French Napoleonic Hussars
A hefty slab of a regiment this one, 32 figures in total. Now why 32? Well it’s a long story dating back over 30 years. Before the internet ordering via Mail was a real hassle. Popping to the local Wargames shop was a lost easier. Problem with the shop popping was that it was like lottery. I wanted some French light cavalry and the shop had plenty of elite company hussars and not many packs of the regular ones. Because of the imbalance they were never painted and sat packed away for 30 years. When I looked over them again I decided to order more of them to balance the elite company felllas out. I should have made two units but decided to just base them up as a mammoth 32 figure unit. The elite company is still too large but I no longer care, it’s not keeping me up at night for some reason (although the wrong shoulder strap colours on my Russians would drive me nuts still). I also replaced the swords with some flattened wire. These are not great but are nice and robust. There also a figure in there from http://warriorminiatures.com/ . It’s from the Gallia Little Gems range and is the Chasseurs a Chevalier officer (the chap on the horse rearing up). Warrior also do some nice guns that I will try do some more detailed post about at some point (very reasonably priced and a nice fit for 6lb guns).
Tuesday, 9 February 2021
Russian Guard Horse Artillery
Wednesday, 3 February 2021
Russian Forge and Apothecary Wagons
Some more Russian wagon train additions. Wagons are Blue Moon, horses Eureka SYW and the seated chaps modified CGM. Probably a couple of things wrong with these, firstly I don’t think they rode on these wagons in this way and secondly have no idea about the uniforms. But, pretty sure that from time to time the wagon train drivers would shake things up and maybe get a rest on the wagons.....
Tuesday, 2 February 2021
Monday, 25 January 2021
Painting Russian Infantry
I find the thought unlikely that anyone would like to use the same colours that I used for my Russians. I have found sources like Loki’s Great Ball, Napoleonics in Miniatures, JJs Wargames and McPhees Miniature Men invaluable for helping me with painting information (links below). That I thought you never know. Maybe just maybe, someone has hit rock bottom in Russian napoleonic infantry paint selection, comes across this site and thinks, I cannot look no further, this will do me.
The paints I use are all Vallejo apart from the use of DarkStar paints “Pewter”. Dark Star do a really nice metallic paint and it’s available from SNM Stuff, https://www.snmstuff.co.uk/. I use Pewter for the canteen thing on the backpack as it helps it sparkle a bit. The other note on this paint guide is that apart from the musket I use no other metallic paint. Instead I use Beige Brown then Ochre Yellow for the gold/brass fittings. The Ochre Yellow had a good pigment content and helps for the buttons, badges and chinstrap to stand out. Maybe the most controversial part is the green for the uniform. I start off pretty dark green, the Luftwaffe green at this scale is not a big step up but starts to give some levelling up. The final green looks really bright on the palette, but it dries darker. It should used for top highlights and helps the green pop a little.
Friday, 15 January 2021
French Line Horse Artillery
Two batteries of French Line Horse Artillery from Campaign Game Miniatures. Figures never need much cleaning up and CGM offer quite a few ranges that others don’t cater for in 15mm. These are in the later Bardin regulation uniform. The guns are also CGM and pretty good value at 2 for around €3.22 (at time of writing 15.01.21).
Russian Napoleonic Cossack Artillery Limber
Small conversion needed on these AB figures. The lance was removed from one and some lace removed from the officer figure. The limber horse...

I find the thought unlikely that anyone would like to use the same colours that I used for my Russians. I have found sources like Loki’s Gr...
I have been wanting to make a manufacturer comparison on Russian Napoleonic artillery for some time. When I started building my current Russ...
Well this is a colourful lot! I had been dreading painting these as I knew it was going to have to be careful slow job. In reality it was a ...